
Network & partners


The 13 schools that make up the network offer training courses ranging from baccalaureat, through vocational degrees, to Master’s degrees in a range of subjects and specialisations: sustainable development, IT engineering, interior architecture, business development, sales and marketing, tourism, environmental technologies, management and entrepreneurship, corporate finance, agribusiness, international relations, communication, digital technologies and expertise.  

With more than 15,000 students, the Compétences et Développement network is one of the leading private-sector higher education providers in France. 

Its mission is to train professionals who are operational, autonomous, open to innovation, entrepreneurship and international opportunities.


The HEP EDUCATION collective is a voluntary alliance of 35 schools and training centres which share three core values - Humanism, Entrepreneurship, Professionalism - H.E.P. 

Humanism; we have set ourselves the obligation of going beyond, for each individual, what is “purely utilitarian”. We place the individual and human values at the centre of what we do. We believe that understanding human beings and their values is an integral part of learning. We consider that this often requires teaching humanities alongside purely professional subjects, which one might think could stand alone. 

Entrepreneurship; we encourage each individual to “take charge”. We believe that the vitality of society will be ensured if every student has the belief and the knowledge required to take their economic future into their own hands. Setting up a company, taking initiatives to develop the company you work for, moving things forward of your own volition, these are all different facets of the entrepreneurial spirit we foster.  

Professionalism; the satisfaction of a job well done and learning through mentoring. It’s about learning a trade with a professional approach, mastering the subject through experience. It’s also about passing on this knowledge to others, as we have learned from other professionals.  

HEP EDUCATION believes in the pedagogy of encouragement and support. It defends a militant vision of education which aims to help our students become accomplished men and women who take their futures into their own hands. 

HEP EDUCATION via its members provides teaching, commitments and services which promote three core values - Humanism, Entrepreneurship, Professionalism - H.E.P  



Study trips or internships abroad, participation in the Erasmus+ program, welcoming international students, teachers from partner institutions, implementation of trans-national projects. 

The open-mindedness fostered by international experiences is crucial to all study programs, but in particular in the field of design where it opens up new creative perspectives, which is why ESAIL places a strong emphasis on international opportunities for its students.  

Specific support for international and overseas students 

In order to respond to their specific needs and constraints, the ESAIL has a dedicated department, the FIGS Education department. 

The department supports them with implementing their plans to study in France: choice of course, admissions process, enrolment, visas and arrival on campus.  

FIGS Education is a team of 40 staff members in France and abroad.  

These are 15 FIGS Education offices worldwide: Algeria, Latin America, Benin, Cameroon, China, Congo, Ivory Coast, India, Madagascar, Mauritius, Morocco, Nepal, Senegal, South Korea, Tunisia and Overseas.


Speak & Act, the employer brand and school platform whose mission is to guide candidates and students towards choosing the right company, has once again published its ranking of companies offering the best experience to employees, candidates, trainees and interns in 2022. From September 2021 to September 2022, several hundred companies were assessed by employees, candidates, trainees and interns regarding their experience, via an anonymous questionnaire which allows Speak & Act to establish an impartial, transparent, independent ranking. 

Every year, Speak & Act recognises the companies most committed to well-being in the workplace through three CSR labels: 

Label Best Workplace Experience – Happiness Barometer: a ranking of companies offering the best experience for their employees (based exclusively on employee feedback) 

Label Best Candidate Experience – Happiness Barometer: a ranking of companies offering the best experience for candidates (based exclusively on feedback from candidates during their recruitment process) 

Label Best Trainee Experience – Happiness Barometer: a ranking of companies offering the best experience on interns or students on work-study courses (based exclusively on feedback from students on work or work-study placements with the company)